Equal opportunities Policy

Date: 19TH October 2010

Person responsible:  Mrs S Macmull


Showstoppers  is committed to promoting understanding of the principles and practices of equality and justice.  We aim to equip students with an awareness of our diverse society and to appreciate the value of difference.

Every member of Showstoppers is regarded as of equal worth and importance, irrespective of his/her creed, culture, class, race, gender, sexuality and/or disability.

The Law and Discrimination

Sex Discrimination

The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 applies to both males and females and makes it unlawful to discriminate against a person on the grounds of his or her sex.

Racial Discrimination

The Race Relations Act 1976 defines racial discrimination as discrimination on the grounds of colour, race, nationality or ethnic or national origins.

Disability Discrimination

Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, disabled people have a right not to be discriminated against in employment or access to goods or services.  A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.


  • To ensure that students and staff recognise that discrimination on the basis of colour, culture, origin, sex or ability is not acceptable.
  • To provide an environment in which all students and staff feel safe enough to express and question views.
  • To ensure that all staff feel valued and supported and have appropriate advice and encouragement for professional development.
  • To ensure the principles and practice of equal opportunities apply to all members and community:  students; teaching and non-teaching staff; parents; and visitors.
  • To encourage students and teachers to contribute towards a happy and caring environment by showing respect for, and appreciation of, one another as individuals.
  • To see students as individuals and to provide education in direct relation to their needs and abilities

Policy into Practice

a)    Admission

Showstoppers does not permit sex, race, colour or disability to be used as criteria for admission.

b)    Registration

Students and staff names will be accurately recorded and correctly pronounced.  Students will be encouraged to accept and respect names from other cultures.

c)     Discrimination

All forms of discrimination by any person within the Showstoppers/Spellbinder Productions’ responsibility will be treated seriously as such behaviour is unacceptable.  Racist symbols, badges and insignia on clothing and equipment are forbidden.

All cases of discrimination or prejudice will be taken seriously and dealt with, as appropriate, according to existing sanction procedures.  A record of incidents will be kept.

d)    Language

Showstoppers view linguistic diversity positively.

e)    Culture, Class and Race

Showstoppers acknowledges that members of the school come from diverse cultural, racial and social-economic backgrounds and endeavours to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect in order to help to promote a society in which there is social, religious and racial harmony.

f)     Gender

We are committed to providing a curriculum which provides equality of opportunity.

g)    Religion

We acknowledge that members of the school come from diverse backgrounds:  some have no religious faith; others are committed to a greater or lesser extent to a variety of religions.  We seek to promote an ethos of tolerance based on understanding of and respect for the beliefs and practices of others.

h)    Appointments

The Principle will ensure that in recruitment procedures any advertisements, shortlisting and interview procedures are without direct or indirect discrimination.

Awareness of policy

Parents and students should know that the school has an equal opportunities policy and is committed to equality of opportunity for all students.

The principle and all staff should actively promote and implement the equal opportunities policies.